Classes and makeups absences must be reported AT LEAST 48 HOURS prior to the class, camp or event.

Missing your scheduled class? Log into the parent portal and click on Future Absences under Enrollments in the menu on the left.

Using your makeups for class, camp or an event but can't make it? Email us at hello@dynamitegc.com. 

The purpose of a makeup is to offer alternatives for emergencies and scheduling conflicts . As our classes grow and become full, makeup options become scarce. So many families already call to let us know that they will be out, but we would like to make it easier (hence, the form). 

Please provide as much notice as possible. More notice increases the probability that another student will have ample time to schedule a makeup in your child's vacant spot. Everyone needs to work together to share class spots when students aren't using them. 

Of course, we understand if you have an emergency and ask that you inform the gym as soon as you realize your student will not be attending.

Please note that serial absences with no notification may result in makeups not being granted.